LCY Novel City
In this project, we decided to create a novel app that the user not only can read novels, but they can also upload their own novel to practice their novel-writing skill if they want to become a novelist. 
  In the app, they chat or discuss with other readers about those novels that they read, and they also can upload the fan art that they make for the novel they like.

Define The Problem 
The first problem that we face is the pages in our app are complicated, new users might find it hard to use this app when they download. The second problem we face is the classification of novels is too many, maybe users will blur when they find a novel using the classification system because of too many types of classification. The third problem we face is that if searching system’s keywords, users will use keywords to search for a novel rather than type the names of the novel.
How do We Arrive At The Idea Of The Project
We need to solve the problem of pages of our app being too complicated because our users are not really interested in exploring new apps. The next problem we need solving is the classification of the novel is too many, there are some novel’s genres are similar we don’t have to classify those novels into different classification, so users can choose the right classification for the novel they want to read. The last problem we have to solve is the search system keywords, most users using the novel app are likely to search novels using keywords.
Target Audience
Our target audiences are office worker that does not have much free time in their daily life, people who like to read the digital novel, people who want to write their novel, and people who like to draw fan arts.
     Our first target audience is office workers. This is due to most of them feel very stressed about their work and they need some space to release their stress, but they have no time to play games, so generally they relax by watching shows, anime, drama, or reading some manga and novel.
     Our second target audience is people who like to read digital novels, they are our main target audience because our app is a novel app that can allow users to read a digital novel on their phones.
     Our third target audience is people who want to write their own novel and share it with others, this is on account our app has a function that can help our users to upload their own novel and let other users that use this app to read their novel.
     Our last target audience is people who like to draw fan art, fan art is one of our target audiences is because in our app they can draw and upload their fan art to the novel they like to read. furthermore, other users that read the novel also can saw their fan art and know them.
Journey Map
User Flow Chart
Allocation of Tasks
Image Reference

Website reference

App reference
1) 番茄小说
2) 笔趣阁
3) 木瓜小说
4) 小说王子
5) 动漫之家
6) 黑猫小说
7) WhatsApp
8) Messenger

LCY Novel City


LCY Novel City
